
We strive to bring you world class roasted coffee while also making sure we stick to our core statement of roasting coffee that makes a difference. Below you’ll find a list of our coffee that supports our source farmers by providing them a better wage through direct relationships, and coffee that we’ve selected to sell that directly supports charities in our local community.

Alpine Blend: Direct Relationship – A blend of 3 different coffee regions that leads to a cup with flavors of chocolate, caramel, nuts, and spice (think cinnamon).

Community Roast: Direct Relationship – Our current community roast is a Mexican blend, and has notes of chocolate, caramel, tree nuts, and a hint of citrus.

eGriz Blend: Direct Relationship – Wake your inner grizzly with the bold coffee blend created for our fans at Roasting notes: roasted medium-dark with flavors of sweet cocoa, caramel, and nuts.

Ethiopian Yirgacheffe (Kochere): Direct Relationship – One of our favorite coffees, this Yirgacheffe is a direct trade superior quality coffee! Roasting notes: Lemon, coconut cream, fresh pear.

Guatemala Huehuetenango: Direct Relationship – Medium-light roasted to bring out a syrupy, carmel- cocoa coffee, with hints of fruits, tobacco, and lemony citrus.

Honduras: Direct Relationship – Medium-dark roasted with a rich body containing a dark chocolate, spice and caramel cup.

Mexico Rancho San Francisco: Direct Relationship – Medium roasted to bring out a rich creamy body with peach, chocolate, caramel, and a slight woodiness in the cup.

Papua New Guinea Purosa: Direct Relationship – A medium roasted coffee with flavors of chocolate, caramel and spice.

SilverCup Decaf (Chemical free – Direct Relationship): This is an excellent organic decaffeinated coffee from Papua New Guinea. Swiss Water processed to preserve the unique flavors of the coffee all while using a non-chemical process. Roasting notes: a smooth, silky body with, milk chocolate, caramel and nutmeg/cinnamon spice.

SilverCup Espresso Blend: Our signature espresso is a rich blend of coffees that present with flavors of  chocolate, caramel, nuts, and a sweet citrus and fruit undertone.

SilverCup Midnight (Mexico Chiapas): Direct Relationship – Our signature dark roast. This is an excellent dark roasted coffee that pairs nicely with desserts! Roasting notes: Roasted almost to a french roast, this roast has a smooth smoky, caramel, and chocolate profile.

Sumatra Aceh (Red Badger): Direct Relationship – A truly great Sumatra! Medium to heavy body, with strong flavors of chocolate, caramel, apricot, and a mild sweet earthiness mixed with smoky pine.

Sumatra Special Dark (Red Badger): Direct Relationship – Our Sumatra coffee taken to a darker, smokier roast. Smooth, caramel, smoky pine.

Uganda Kapchorwa: Direct Relationship – Medium-dark roast from the Mt. Elgon region which lies along the border of Uganda and Kenya. Roasting notes: Flavors of chocolate, caramel, and sweet cherries!
